Kaštelir – Labinci

Kaštelir is located on a hilltop with a high of 238 meters above the sea level, and is separated with the other village Labinci, by the road Poreč – Vižinade. In the Roman period the Via Flavia. The consular road from Trieste, the river Mirna, Kaštelir and Poreč to Pula.

In a written document from 983, Kaštelir was called Castellione and owned by the Bishop of Poreč, who gave the feud to Istrian Lords. In the 14th century Kaštelir was abandoned for war, plague and cholera.

In 1420 the Venetian Ruled over Kaštelir  and in that period settled refugees in front of the Ottomane from Dalmatia and Bosnia.

The Paris Church built in 1908 is dedicated to the Saints Cosmos and Damian and is situated  on the site of an older church. On the cemetery is the Church of St. Rock.

The Parish church in Labinci of St. Ivana was built in 1753. In the Church of the Holy Trinity  are frescoes from the first half of the 15th century.


Place: Kaštelir – Labinci

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