Name: Trail from Sv. Fosca to the Kazuni and the church St. Michael.
Place: Vodnjan – Bale.
Coordinates: start 44.97881 N – 13.78855 E, 44.97544 N – 13.79215 E, 44.97018 N – 13.80113 E, end 45. 44.97151 N – 13.80780 E.
Name: Trail from Sv. Fosca to the Kazuni and the church St. Michael.
Place: Vodnjan – Bale.
Coordinates: start 44.97881 N – 13.78855 E, 44.97544 N – 13.79215 E, 44.97018 N – 13.80113 E, end 45. 44.97151 N – 13.80780 E.
Name: Trail from Červar-Porat along the coast bay Lungo and the bay Santa Marina, with the Roman archaeological sites Loron.
Place: Červar Porat, Santa Marina – (Poreč).
Name: Trail from Sv. Foška to dry stone houses and the church St. Michael.
Place: Vodnjan.
Coordinates: Sv. Foška: 44.97881 N -13.78855 E, three stone houses: 44.97544 N – 13.79215 E., Church Sv. Mihovel: 44.97151 N – 13.80780 E.
Streams: Mirna, Draga, Pivak and Rečina.
Name: Hiking trail 306 from Buzet to Kotli with 7 waterfalls.
Place: Kotli – (Buzet).
Coordinates: Start/end Buzet: 45.39899 N – 13.97539 E. Kotli: 45.36906 N – 14.01659 E.
Name:Trail from Pazin castle to Pazinski Krov – Waterfall , ruines watermills and the watersource Rijavac.
Place: Pazin.
Coordinates: start/end 45,24011 N – 13.96169 E, Pazinski Krov 45. 24353 N – 13. 93483 E, Bridge / watermill 45.24533 N – 13. 93839 E, Water source 45. 25075 N – 13. 94147 E. back from 45.25159N . 13. 94891 E.
Name: Hiking trail from Zarečki Krov Waterfall, along the Pazinčica stream to the Pazinski cave/castle.
Place: Pazin.
Coordinates: Name: Hiking trail from Zarečki Krov Waterfall, along the Pazinčica stream to the Pazinski cave/castle.Start/ end 45.24703 N – 13.9964.75 E, Zarečki Krov: 45.24880 N – 13.90121 E, MC50074o: 45.25037 N – 13. 94892 E, Pazinski Krov: 45.24344 N – 13. 93507 R, Castle: 45. 24037 N – 13.93023 E.
Name: Views from Zamaski Dol to Motovun.
Place: Zamaski Dol – (Motovun).
Coordinates: 45.32311 N – 13.89509 E, 45.32249 N – 13.87720E, 45.34145 N – 13.86366 E, 45.33658 N -13.84858 E.
Trail from Velika Kolomborica along the coast to Sveti Mikule Dražica, from there to the cape Kamenjak and he capes Franina and Stara.
Name: Kamenjak National Park.
Place: Prementura – (Medulin).
Coordinates: start/end 44.77645 N – 13.91016 E.
Name: Trail from the bay Sv. Pavao to the churches Sveti Dimjan and Sveti Trojstvo.
Place: Rovinj.
Coordinates: Sv. Dimjan 45.02497 N – 13.70572 E, Sv. Trojstvo 45.03074 N – 13.71506 E en bay Sv. Pavao 45.02218 N – 13.71393 E.
Name: Roman villa Kazamate in the San Polo bay.
Place: Bale
Coordinates:45.02218 N – 13.71393 E.