Hiking trail 306 from Buzet to Kotli with 7 waterfalls.

Streams: Mirna, Draga, Pivak and Rečina.


  1.  Zagon(5m),2.Bačva(8m),3.ValaPeč(26,5m),4.MalaPeč(4m),5.kotli(12m),6.Zlenšćak(7,9m),7.Gjork(8.2m).

Name: Hiking trail 306 from Buzet to Kotli with 7 waterfalls.

Place: Kotli – (Buzet).

Coordinates: Start/end Buzet: 45.39899 N – 13.97539 E. Kotli: 45.36906 N – 14.01659 E.

Trail from Pazin castle to Pazinski Krov – Waterfall , ruines watermills and the watersource Rijavac.






Name:Trail from Pazin castle to Pazinski Krov – Waterfall , ruines watermills and the watersource Rijavac.

Place: Pazin.

Coordinates: start/end 45,24011 N – 13.96169 E, Pazinski Krov 45. 24353 N – 13. 93483 E, Bridge / watermill 45.24533 N – 13. 93839 E, Water source 45. 25075 N – 13. 94147 E.  back from 45.25159N . 13. 94891 E.

Hiking trail to the Cingarella cave and waterfall and along the Argila river to the former watermills.



Name: Hiking trail to the Cingarella cave and waterfall and along the Argila river to the former watermills.

Place: Momjan – (Buje).

Coordinates: Start 45.43584 N – 13.67604 E, Cingarella 45.43563 N – 13.68466 E, Watermill Nr 49 near the bridge 45. 43481 N – 13.69178 E, Ruins watermills numbers 50, 51, 52 en 53 along the river Argila  from 45.43200 N – 13.68999 E to  45.43471 N – 13.68549 E.

Hiking trail from the village Bazuje to the abandoned village Vrnjak.

The trail is along the stream Buzuje with caves and a spring, and three former watermills.


Name: Hiking trail from the village Bazuje to the abandoned village Vrnjak.

Place: Bazuje – Vrnjak – (Grožnjan).

Start: Bazuje 45.41723 N – 13.73696 E, caves 45.41723 N – 13.774101 E, 45.41706 N -13.74309 E, 45.41783 N – 13.74462 E,watermills.  45. 41793 N -13.74435 E, 45.41932 N – 13. 74551 E, 45.42699 – 13 74912 E,  Vrnjak: 45.43981 N – 13. 76807 E.