See too the posts 2018-01-18, 2018-12-07 and 2021-05-08.
Name: Benkovski waterfall.
Place: Zajci – (Pičan).
Coordinates: 45.20356 N -14.06152 E, waterfall 45.200464 N – 14.14.05746 E.
See too the posts 2018-01-18, 2018-12-07 and 2021-05-08.
Name: Benkovski waterfall.
Place: Zajci – (Pičan).
Coordinates: 45.20356 N -14.06152 E, waterfall 45.200464 N – 14.14.05746 E.
Name: Trail from the town Mošćiniča Draga to the cave Podosogna and the hamlets Potoki and Trebišca with a watermill.
Place: Potoki – Trebišca – (Mošćinička Draga).
Coordinates: Start 45.24090 N – 14.24973 E, hiking trail to the cave 45.24827 N – 14.23204 E, cave Podosogna 45.24802 N – 14.23909 E,
Potoki: 4525207 N – 14.22627 E, Trebišca 45.25511 N – 14.21760 E.
Name: Trail Parenzana from Oprtalj to the split Livade, and from there to the watermill Blaškici.
Place: Blaškici – Oprtalj.
Coordinates: Oprtalj 45.38347 N – 13.82185 E, split Livade 45.37033 N – 13.80742 E, Blaškici 45.36951 N – 13.80487 E.
Name: Trail along the stream Senica to the hamlet Senica.
Place: Valari – Senica – (Buzet).
Coordinates: start 45.35260 N – 13.90201 E, hamlet Senica 45.35986 N – 13.92681 E.
Name: Limski canal – cliff Krugi – cave Čerišnjica.
Place: Near Kloštar – (Vrsar).
Coordinates: Start trail 45. 13895 N – 13.72001 E. cliff Krugi/ caves 45.13740 N – 13. 71813 E.
The churches in Zamask are the St. Martin and the St. Mihovil.
The waterspring is named Murižinica.
Name: Road from the village Pekasi over Zamask to Motovun.
Place: Zamask – (Buzet, Motovun).
Coordinates: Pekasi 45.32557 N – 13.89936 E, Zamask 45.32624 N – 14.87876 E, Motovun 45.34539 N – 13.83095 E
Name: Hiking trail from Labor to the watermill Fermov and the river Dragonja.
Place: Labor – (Koper).
Coordinates: Labor 45.47521 N – 13.77218 E.
Name: Trail from the former watermill Fermov along the river Dragonja to the watermill Zankoličev.
Place: Labor – (Koper).
Coordinates: Start Labor 45.46880 N – 13.77239 E, watermill Fermov 45.46961 N – 13.76389 E, Watermill Zankoličev 45.47038 N – 13.80074 E. Places of other watermills? near 45.46698 N – 13.77018 E, 45.46617 N -13.78632 E, 45.46842 N – 13.76794 E, 45.46617 N – 13.78632 E and 45.46739 N – 13.78632 E.
Name: Waterfall Stramici near the village Trebeše
Place:Trebeše – Koper.
Coordinates: 45.46977 N – 13.860921 E.