Trail from the village Grdoselo, along the Grdoselski stream to Zelena Grad and the waterfall M. Slap.



Name: Trail from the village Grdoselo, along the Grdoselski stream to Zelena Grad and the waterfall M. Slap.

Place: Grdoselo _ (pazin).

Coordinates: Start 45.27960N – 13.93997 E, Waterfall Grdoselo 45.27936 N – 13.93960 E, Watersource Malenice 45.28285 N – 13.94031 E, Waterfall Crni Puć 45.29195 N – 13.94636 E, Mali Slap 45.29195 N – 13.94636 E.

Trail from the town Mošćiniča Draga to the cave Podosogna and the hamlets Potoki and Trebišca with a watermill.



Name: Trail from the town Mošćiniča Draga to the cave Podosogna and the hamlets Potoki and Trebišca with a watermill.

Place: Potoki – Trebišca – (Mošćinička Draga).

Coordinates: Start 45.24090 N – 14.24973 E, hiking trail to the cave 45.24827 N – 14.23204 E, cave Podosogna 45.24802 N – 14.23909 E,

Potoki: 4525207 N – 14.22627 E, Trebišca 45.25511 N – 14.21760 E.