Name: Cave near Romualda Cave
Place: Limski Canal – Rovinj
This cave is between Poreč and Visnjan, 5 km from the coast. It got the name Baredine, that probably means untreated land. It is situated in the Karst region with a sea sediment, covered by red soils.
The cave has an vertical entrance at 117 meters above the sea level, and a 300 m long pathway that descends up to 60 meter below the ground (the fifth chamber), where is a lake where lives the cave olm (Proteus anguinus).
This cave has many beautiful stalagmites and stalactites who are created during thousands of years and has formed huge curtains and sculptures so as Our Lady, the lady of a milkmaid called Milka, the leaning tower of Pisa, and a snowman with a torch. The last is the trade mark of the cave.
In the fourth chamber is a 66 meter deep gap, descending to the underground lake. The depth of the cave is 132 meters, and the general temperature is 14 degrees Celsius.
Name: Baredine -cave
Place: Nova Vas – (Poreč)
When planting a vineyard in 1930 a portion of the Karst valley caved in, and the present opening of the cave was made. The name Kingdom it became from the first children who played in the cave and saw the many stalagmite and stalactite shapes.
Popular stone formations are “The magician’s Hat”, The Tower of Babylon”, and the huge “Bat’s Wing”.
The dimensions of this single hall with an irregular oval shape are: Length 67 meters, 27 meters wide, nine meters deep and six meters high. The average temperature in the cave is 14 degrees Centigrade.
Name: Cave “Festini Kingdom”
Place: Festina – (Zminj)
The Mramornica Cave has a huge chamber with a length of 93 m, a wide of 51 m and is 5 meter high. The entrance of this chamber is on a depth of 10 meters.
The cave was mentioned the first time in 1770 by Alberto Fortis (Italian, naturalist, monk and travel writer).
This cave has a rich variation of colours, stalagmites and stalactites reaching to a height of 10 meters.
Traces of human live were not found.
Place: Mramornica – (Brtonigla)
This cave is situated about 1,3 kilometers north of Marčana and has several cave rooms and pits, interconnected by channels.
The cave is developed in the limestone of the cretaceous age (approximately 144 till 65 million years ago). This karst phenomenon was created by the action of water enriched with carbon dioxide that dissolved the mineral calcite in the limestone.
On basis of archaeological research in 1991 when the found ceramics and bones was concluded that people lived in the cave in the Neolithic age (about 10000 years BC) till the Bronze age (2nd millennium BC).
Name: Ljubičeva cava
Place: Marčana