Name: St. Holy Cross
Place: St Blech -Tar
Built: second century
Prehistoric location because it is built on a hill (“hillfort”), making good strategic and defensive traits.
Presumable established during the Bronze Age and inhabited bij Histri in Iron Age. After the Roman conquest Villa Rustica with Roman cistern.
Since 2014, after limited investigations before to intra-site interpretation and to targeted field survey,a new project is started with the main goal to identify anthropogenic landscape change at the time and to obtain more insights on the spatial organisation and their relationships with the surrounding environment.
Name: Monte Ricco
Place: Vrsar
Built: first century BC
Surface Hillfort: 8000 m2, Villa Rustica: (60×40) 2400 m2; Height: 77 m above sea-level; Cistern about 230 m3.